If it is JESUS, “it”has to bow down.

Jesus the Name that is above every other name. Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. In the bible it states that there is no other name through which we can be saved by apart from Jesus. Even demons fear and tremble at the very thought of Jesus, I remember one night I was probably in a rife spiritual warfare and I could not breathe literally my nose was blocked and it felt like i could not get a breath in through my mouth. Needless to say I could not utter a word or even move my lips, but the very thought of Jesus brought order and the devil had to bow down to the Lord I serve. Just the thought about Jesus. It is amazing how we take for granted the Name that moves and shakes the universe. The ruler of all things, He is the Master. But as Sovereign as He is, He cannot force His way into our lives, He cannot force us to love Him and He went to that cross knowing that He might not be able to receive love from us but He willingly gives Himself for us just so that we can spend eternity with Him and be reconciled to Him.

There is a devotion I read the other day where it is written that Jesus does not need anything I mean God is God He lacks nothing, however in His All Sovereign nature it is His biggest desire for us to be reconciled back to Him and be in a relationship with Him as His and His Alone. In actual fact we need Him in order to be complete. God actually does not need us, we need Him, we need to love Him, we need to commune with Him it is actually amazing how we take for granted God unaware that the very air we breathe comes from Him. Our prideful nature has us thinking we can do life without God when actually life is God. All things above and below earth Has to bow down to God yet with us humans (God’s Masterpiece) we think we have a choice. Well we have been given free will by the Creator of All things but the sooner we realise that we have no choice but to serve and obey Him, the sooner we can actually understand what life is all about, God. Only Him, not me, not my family not my career, just God, it is all about His Kingdom.

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