This season

There are times where you will notice I am not as consistent as I ought to on this blog, and this is not because I do not care in fact I love consistency and it is one thing I pride myself in hence it frustrates me at times when I am inconsistent in tis blog and with my relationship or quiet times with God. I am currently in a pruning season, waiting, being prepared in literally every area of my life and it has not been easy but it has been worthwhile let me tell you!

God has been showing me in more ways than one that He is busy preparing me for the new thing He is doing (Isaiah 43) and I like to learn and be taught in a quiet atmosphere hence I like to be silent during testing times, I do not like clutter, noise, inconveniences, and the uncomfortability that come with this season. I am like a typical Christian, love speaking more about my testimonies and things I overcame and less about what I am currently going through and while the former brings God glory, so does the latter. God can still receive glory in my now, in the mess, in the uncertainties, in the inconsistencies. So I will be bold and tell you that I am going through a time of waiting, hoping, not seeing but believing, feeling doubts but not voicing it when everything in me wants to, feeling like I am regressing because the progress is not happening in the natural etc etc. you get the picture.

I love that God is using me even before the “promise” and really the promise of God is not a destination unless it is Heaven, otherwise every promise will always bring a waiting season of some sort so I guess God is teaching me to love being in the present and enjoy not being in the promise land just yet so that I can appreciate it when I land on it. Thank You God that with You every season is special because You are in it and I will see You and experience Your different facets.