God math says…

This season

There are times where you will notice I am not as consistent as I ought to on this blog, and this is not because I do not care in fact I love consistency and it is one thing I pride myself in hence it frustrates me at times when I am inconsistent in tis blog and with my relationship or quiet times with God. I am currently in a pruning season, waiting, being prepared in literally every area of my life and it has not been easy but it has been worthwhile let me tell you!

God has been showing me in more ways than one that He is busy preparing me for the new thing He is doing (Isaiah 43) and I like to learn and be taught in a quiet atmosphere hence I like to be silent during testing times, I do not like clutter, noise, inconveniences, and the uncomfortability that come with this season. I am like a typical Christian, love speaking more about my testimonies and things I overcame and less about what I am currently going through and while the former brings God glory, so does the latter. God can still receive glory in my now, in the mess, in the uncertainties, in the inconsistencies. So I will be bold and tell you that I am going through a time of waiting, hoping, not seeing but believing, feeling doubts but not voicing it when everything in me wants to, feeling like I am regressing because the progress is not happening in the natural etc etc. you get the picture.

I love that God is using me even before the “promise” and really the promise of God is not a destination unless it is Heaven, otherwise every promise will always bring a waiting season of some sort so I guess God is teaching me to love being in the present and enjoy not being in the promise land just yet so that I can appreciate it when I land on it. Thank You God that with You every season is special because You are in it and I will see You and experience Your different facets.

If it is JESUS, “it”has to bow down.

Jesus the Name that is above every other name. Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. In the bible it states that there is no other name through which we can be saved by apart from Jesus. Even demons fear and tremble at the very thought of Jesus, I remember one night I was probably in a rife spiritual warfare and I could not breathe literally my nose was blocked and it felt like i could not get a breath in through my mouth. Needless to say I could not utter a word or even move my lips, but the very thought of Jesus brought order and the devil had to bow down to the Lord I serve. Just the thought about Jesus. It is amazing how we take for granted the Name that moves and shakes the universe. The ruler of all things, He is the Master. But as Sovereign as He is, He cannot force His way into our lives, He cannot force us to love Him and He went to that cross knowing that He might not be able to receive love from us but He willingly gives Himself for us just so that we can spend eternity with Him and be reconciled to Him.

There is a devotion I read the other day where it is written that Jesus does not need anything I mean God is God He lacks nothing, however in His All Sovereign nature it is His biggest desire for us to be reconciled back to Him and be in a relationship with Him as His and His Alone. In actual fact we need Him in order to be complete. God actually does not need us, we need Him, we need to love Him, we need to commune with Him it is actually amazing how we take for granted God unaware that the very air we breathe comes from Him. Our prideful nature has us thinking we can do life without God when actually life is God. All things above and below earth Has to bow down to God yet with us humans (God’s Masterpiece) we think we have a choice. Well we have been given free will by the Creator of All things but the sooner we realise that we have no choice but to serve and obey Him, the sooner we can actually understand what life is all about, God. Only Him, not me, not my family not my career, just God, it is all about His Kingdom.

I do not know what the title should be

No literally I do not know what to name this blog because the Holy Spirit just spoke to me saying I should write something. This has happened before in my fasting and prayer during the March month. I felt the Lord commanding me to fast and pray but I did not have a lot of details concerning the facts, what I should be fasting and praying for, you know the actual reason and what I should expect. God has been doing that to me, saying I should pray or speak to group of people without first telling me what I should say. It is so that He gets all the Glory and I am dependent on Him. He did say that apart from Him we can do nothing and I love that, I love depending on God and knowing that my dependence on Him is not in vain, but rather rewarding.

Anything that is of God and comes from God will be sustained by Him. He is the One that sustains the air in my body in fact He is the very air, God is able to give and take away breath in a moment. I love depending on God it is not like depending on humans and it is definitely a feeling that needs to be quenched. As humans we desire stability, certainty knowing that a person that makes a promise will fulfill without any disappointment or taking the promise back.

God is dependable and faithful it is His character, He is so reliant that you can be by the edge and be sure that He will still catch you if you fall. That He has got your back. Him saying that we should live dependent upon Him is not so that He is boss of everything and controls people, but I have learnt that God created us for Himself and that our whole being delights to do life with Him whether you agree or not. We will never be truly satisfied by anything , God is able to satisfy us in a way that is unexplainable. He is enough and so so so worth being trusteed because He has never failed us. It is His character He cannot lie and do opposite of who He is.

Lord, my soul thirsts for You

Psalm 63 is amazing, I see why it was said that David was the man after God’s Heart. Legit all David ever wanted more than anything is God, just God being God is totally enough. This is how I desire my heart’s posture to be like, I like many people are in a waiting season for what God had recently promised me and I confess my biggest fear is loving the promise more than the Promise Maker. Look no one is above idol worship, no one is above sin, no one is above anything hence we need Jesus, it is only through Him we can do all things. Even waiting…

Waiting well is the goal for me but more than waiting I seek to love God and place my focus on Him, I desire for God to abound His Love in me, to expand me so that I experience Him, Love in its absolute. Now of course God will tell us the promise then make us wait for it, but scripture actually says that God is the one who is actually being patient with us, it says that God is not slow to perform His promise and that is deep. God is actually patient with us because He is our Creator, He knows what we can handle and the capacity we have, God knows us more than ourselves…. duh He created us.

Therefore let us pursue Good and seek Him wholeheartedly, He will not fail us in our desire to pursue Him genuinely. If you feel like you are not genuine with God please confess it to Him, He is merciful and Just to forgive. He wis the only One who can change us, our desires and our intentions. He is worthy, He is really Worthy and very much Enough. Our desires are met in Him, but I pray our biggest desire be Him.

The beauty in waiting on the Lord

Blessed to be a blessing

Take the focus off of me to God

I really want to say that it is easy to focus on God but I would be lying, everything in us urges us to focus on ourselves, on our strength, abilities, challenges, the external things really and in most cases on things that we have no complete control over. The accuser wants us to place our focus on our weaknesses, incapabilities and flesh because taking our focus off God makes us sink just like Peter. I almost rejected God’s blessing because I thought I was not able and did not qualify, I was scared but then I read what God said to Isaac in Genesis 26 when He said for Isaac to not go to Egypt but to remain in the land where there was famine. God told Isaac to remain in the place where he wanted to run from by promising Isaac that He will be with him and will bless him.

Now God did not tell Isaac to do the one thing he did not want to do and promised Isaac that everything will be okay and that the famine will end etc. but rather God gave His Word as insurance to say that He will be with Isaac and on top of that will bless him. I can understand now that God has me in places that scare me and gives me opportunities that terrify me because He is able to. God does not bless me based on my capacity or knowledge or anything that has to do with me really but solely based on Him and what He can do, nothing is hard for God in fact for God it is so easy because He is God. He is Sovereign and All Powerful He is Self Sufficient, now placing my focus on God gives me strength and courage. It does not have to scare me because my God is able.

He calls me to do things that are far beyond my reach because He is with me and will bless me, God promotes me because of Him meaning I will do this thing that scares me because God is with me and will bless me not because I can do this thing or have the wisdom or resources for it but solely because God is with me. Him being with me places me at an advantage, Him being with me makes me victorious, His presence brings me peace I do not have to fight or defend myself because He will do that for me and even exceed my expectations. He is the focus not me.

Where were You oh Lord?

Often times when experiencing tragic situations or things that hurt us beyond our comprehension we like to question God and His presence. As if He is only with us during the comforting and great times but God changes not. I experienced something traumatic in the last week and my first thought was why did God allow that to happen, the response that the Holy Spirit gave me is that God was still in control even in that tragedy, Just like God did not prevent Daniel and his mates from being thrown into the fiery furnace what God did was much greater as He showed His reliability even in our worst situations. God protected them in the fire!

I like to ask God to take control in my life, and so I should right? but at times our human pride like to think that we are the ones in control, thus when we experience situations where we have no control over we wonder if God really is in control when in actual fact He has been in control all this time and still remains in control in impossible of situations. God is glorified more in circumstances that are impossible, where it is vivid that I took no part in that, but those situations do not happen often, so we overlook the fact that God is in control even when I am showering, or eating or washing dishes. Things that I believe I can do by my own strength not realising that no sis it is God who enables us to wash those dishes and even own those dishes to begin with.

So instead of questioning God’s presence, we should question our reliance and dependance upon His Spirit that is in us and that surround us, He is reliable and in control God is consistent at being God He is faithful and will always be there.

It is easy being God…

Before we go any further I would like to sincerely apologise for not posting much here, it is inexcusable and will not even attempt to justify my absence. But I come with Good News, God is still Good and He Alone is still seated on the Throne. He remains All Powerful, All Sufficient and in control, He indeed changes not! Now back to the topic at hand, it is easy being God, this sounds kind of controversial like how can someone say it is easy being God without them having experience what it is like being God.

Well my response is that no I am not God and I am glad that there is only One God who has been God from the very beginning, in fact He is the beginning and the end! I boldly say that it is easy being God because often times we like to reduce God to our size or a reduced image of Himself and thus making us limit God. For instance I was reading a psalm which David wrote to glorify God saying He parted Red Sea and spoke about all the Wow things that God has done including creating Heaven and Earth from nothing.

It dawned on me that God has been God forever, it is so easy for God to part the Red Sea because, of course the sea will obey its Creator. God did not sweat when creating the universe, He simply said “Let there be light” and it happened God did not have to exercise first or practice He is God, it is Who He is. I love that God does not explain Himself to Moses, He just said “I Am the Great I Am” God is limitless, doing miracles is something jaw dropping for us but for God it is easy and effortless.

I say we should stop limiting this Great God, and continue to trust Him for the impossible, because only in Him they become possible. He asked is anything too hard for Him? and certainly it is so easy for God to be God because that is Who He is.